Yoga Sutras And Yoga Vashishth

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Description Of The Yoga Sutras And Yoga Vashishth – Difference Between The Two :


The Yoga Sutras is one of the most respected Vedic texts, which is referred to by all yogis. It is a practical textbook, which you must refer to in your spiritual journey. Once you go for yoga in rishikesh, you get to understand the same in complete detail. For the unversed, yoga is a union of the mind, body, and the soul. However, most people fail to understand that. The Yoga Sutras will guide you, with references to Vedic texts along the journey.

According to the history of yoga, Sage Patanjali was one of the most learned men of his times. He is also credited with the commentary on the Charaka Samhita. The Samkhya Philosophy is one of the basic philosophies that govern yoga. Sage Patanjali has been credited with adapting it, to the needs of the modern man. No one is still sure, what Sage Patanjali wanted to convey. However, his teachings have been adopted into various renditions till date.


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Learn Yoga Sutras From The Best Yoga School In Rishikesh

So, now it goes without saying that you need to learn yoga at the best yoga school in rishikesh. This sort of education must be followed on traditional lines. Hrishikesh Yoga School is one of the most prominent schools in Rishikesh, which follows this tradition. The Yoga Sutra consists of 196 sutras, divided into 4 chapters. You will also come across the various principles and observances that is a mandate for staunch yogis. Here, we are talking about the 8 limbs of yoga. The first four limbs prepare the body for the next three. The final one, being the Samadhi.

You can achieve the final union with the universal consciousness, only when you have read, understood, and practiced the sutras in your daily life. All yoga students, who choose to pursue yoga for self-practice or for a teaching career, are required to study Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.


The Yoga Vashishtha

The Yoga Vashishtha is one of the earliest works on Vedanta. The Great Sage, Rishi Vashishtha had taught Sri Rama the principles of the Vedanta, to the core. If you study this text, with utmost dedication, then you will be able to reach the highest stage of self-realization, without any hindrance. You will be able to learn unique aspects of sadhana, which the householders can also practice with ease. There are two books, in this series. One is the Brihat Yoga Vashishtha and the second one is the Laghu Yoga Vashishtha. The book mainly deals with the union of the self with the universe, amidst all the trials of life. The matter is dealt with a lot of dexterity at the yoga retreat in rishikesh. 

You can join the school Hrishikesh Yoga School, if you require complete information on the Sutras and the Yoga Vashishtha. However, there are some differences between the two. You can easily find references to the Sutras, but the Yoga Vashishtha is harder to find. Moreover, you will learn about certain astonishing aspects, which was unheard of, previously.

To learn about the same in greater detail, you need to join the 200 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh, at one of the renowned schools in Rishikesh.


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