What is Sadhanapada

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What is Sadhanapada?

Sadhanapada is basically a residential yoga program that takes place at one of the renowned and best yoga schools. It can take as long as seven months, for the residential course, which will see you taking a break from work, or studies in general. If you are seeking spiritual growth, then this is something, you need to be a part of.

However, you will also come across the word, ‘Sadhanapada’, in the context of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. It is basically the second chapter. In the second chapter, Sage Patanjali mainly comes down to the level of the practitioners, who are not much spiritually involved. You can study the same in great detail, as a part of the 200 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh.


yoga in rishikesh
yoga retreat in rishikesh


Detailed Explanation on Sadhanapada

In Sadhanapada, Sage Patanjali explains the importance of freedom from the shackles of earthly demands and needs, apart from Kriya yoga. Now, you ought to know the meaning of ‘kriya’ as well. In simple words, it means action. There are three parts of Kriya Yoga. They are tapas, svadhyaya and Isvarapranidhana. Tapas means the desire, svadhyaya means self-study, and Isvarapranidhana means the final stage of surrender to god. You can learn and master all of this, if you go for yoga in rishikesh. If you can follow these three stages, you will be able to get rid of the sorrows and pains of your mundane life.

  • In Sadhanapada, Sage Patanjali also explains the main causes of human sufferings, and how you can overcome the same.
  • You will get to know about the 8-fold path of yoga, and how you can achieve freedom through its observance. For the unversed, this path is better known as Ashtanga Yoga. The eight steps are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharna, Dhyana, and Samadhi.
  • Through the texts mentioned in the Sutras, you will be able to understand, that Sadhanapada is the stage, in which the practitioner or sadhaka, applies his knowledge and dedication, toward the achievement of a balanced and spiritual mind. You will learn, as a complete beginner, how to rise above your mundane life.

In the chapters, you will also learn, how to use Kriya yoga, to strengthen the body and make it ready for spiritual lessons. Sadhana is basically the routine undertaken, for the achievement of spiritual goals.



Afflictions That You Need To Get Rid Of

Join the kundalini yoga teacher training in rishikesh, to learn more about the process. In the same context, you will also learn about afflictions. There are mainly, 5 different afflictions, which affect the common man. They are knowledge, desire for attachment, sense of belonging, dislike for things, and the fear of death. When you feel pain, it is mainly due to dislike. The external world will create various sorts of desires, which will stop you to from achieving greatness, and will also cause pain, if you cannot fulfil your desires.

Once, you reach the best yoga center in rishikesh, like Hrishikesh Yoga School, you will get a clear understanding of the above afflictions and possible way out. In Sadhanapada, the soul is called the seer. The postures are another important tool in the same process, where you will learn about re-positioning the body. These act like bridges which join the body with the mind. And, then the mind with the soul.

You will read at least 55 shlokas, mentioned in the Sadhanapada, which will lead to your ultimate upliftment.


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