About Virabhadrasana 1 (Warrior 1)

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Virabhadrasana 1 (Warrior 1)

Warrior one pose is the first of three related Warrior poses, that are powerful standing postures that improve strength and flexibility. The Warrior one pose may also be called by its Sanskrit name, Virabhadrasana A. This is one of the power poses, which are reminiscent of martial arts poses. The arms are raised upwards in this pose. It is a chest cavity opener and also increases the elasticity of the lungs. Lunges are involved in this asana, so you can expect to strengthen your hamstrings and glutes.

The name traces its origins to Sanskrit verses, where ‘Virabhadra’ means ‘warrior’ and ‘Asana’ means ‘pose’.


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How To Do It?

⦁ You can start in the Mountain Pose, by standing with your feet hip-distance apart and your arms by your sides. Breathe deeply while calming your mind. Turn to the left side.
⦁ Exhale as you widen the distance between the feet, about 4 to 5 feet at least.
⦁ Turn your right foot outwards at 90 degrees, so that your toes point toward the top of the ⦁ mat.
⦁ Turn your left foot inwards.
⦁ Align your front heel in line with the arch of your back foot. Keep your pelvis turned toward the front of the mat whilst doing this.
⦁ Press your weight through your left heel. Then, you have to exhale as you bend your right knee above your right ankle.
⦁ Your thighs should be perpendicular to the ground.
⦁ Stretch your arms upwards. You have to lengthen the sides of your waist, and lift through your chest. Keep your palms and fingers active.
⦁ You can keep your arms parallel to one another, or press your palms together.
⦁ Gently tilt your head backward and gaze up at your thumbs and back leg should be straight.
⦁ Hold the pose for a minute.
⦁ To release, press your weight through your back heel and straighten your front leg. Bring the arms down. Turn to the left side, reversing the position of your feet, and repeat for the same duration.



⦁ If you practice the asana on a regular basis, your shoulders, arms, legs, ankles, and back become strong.
⦁ Your hips, chest, and lungs also open up, when you practice the asana for a long time.
⦁ The balance and stability also increase.
⦁ You will also be able focus on your goals.
⦁ The regular practice of the asana also leads to proper blood circulation and respiration.
⦁ Your arms, legs, shoulders, groin area, and ankles get a good stretch.
⦁ The asana basically energizes the entire body.



⦁ If you suffer from high blood pressure, you should not lift your hands up. Instead, you can keep the hands on the hips.
⦁ If you are pregnant or having your menstruation cycle, in that case, you must do this asana, sitting on a chair.
⦁ Avoid over-arching the lower back unnecessarily.


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