Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose)

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Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose)

Paschimottanasana is derived from Sanskrit words “Paschimotan” means “Seated Forward Bend” and “asana” means “pose”. Many people address it as the seated forward bend pose. It is basically an intense back stretching asana. You will feel all your stress vanishing away, if you practice this on a regular basis. The back, core, arms, shoulders, hips, thighs, calves, and hamstrings get a good stretch due to this asana. Moreover, it is quite suitable for beginners.


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How To Do It?

⦁ You have to sit straight, with your legs, stretched out in front of you. Make sure that your toes are pointing towards you.
⦁ Inhale and raise both your arms above the crown.
⦁ Exhale and bend forward slowly. You have to fold from your hip joints.
⦁ Stretch the arms, and let them reach the furthest they can, that is till the toes. But make sure that you don’t stretch too far, beyond your limits.
⦁ Inhale again and lift your head slightly, and elongate your spine.
⦁ Exhale and try to move your navel forward, so that you can easily touch the knees.
⦁ Repeat this a few times. And place your head on your legs and hold the pose.
⦁ Inhale and come back to the original sitting position with your arms stretched out.
⦁ Exhale and lower your arms. Relax.



⦁ The asana stretches the entire body, and adds to its flexibility. It will keep you in very good shape.
⦁ The regular practice of this asana leads to the stretching of the muscles in and around the spine. It also increases the flow of blood through the spine. The result is, a healthy spine, throughout life.
⦁ It also removes all the stiffness from the back.
⦁ The muscles of the abdomen also get a good stretch. It mainly massages all the abdominal organs, that include the pancreas, intestines, liver, kidneys, endocrine glands, and so on.
⦁ This asana helps diabetic patients.
⦁ If you are obese, then also this asana will help you.
⦁ The asana also helps women who are in menopausal state and having their menstruation cycles.
⦁ The asana gives an overall good shape to the legs.
⦁ It also stretches the muscles of the shoulders and arms.
⦁ When you do this asana, it leads to a huge supply of oxygen to the brain.



⦁ If you are suffering from conditions, like slipped disc, hernia, and spondylitis, then you cannot do the asana.
⦁ Pregnant women should not do the asana, as this asana puts a lot of pressure on the abdomen and the pelvis.
⦁ If you suffered any deep injury in the hips, back, or knees recently, you must not practice this asana.


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